Vail or Bust!!

Health Insurance Savings = Company Trip to Vail
"We saved a ton a money on health insurance." Words you never, ever hear. But that's exactly what we did, and that's what's funding our all-employee get together at Vail this June.
"How'd you manage that?!" Well, honestly, it was a lot of work & some luck mixed in. But above all, what it boils down to is our #1 Core Value: We CARE about EACH OTHER. About a decade ago, we started a wellness program, then came health assessments, then self-insurance, health coaching, condition management, free healthy snacks, etc, etc. We doubled down on getting our people the resources they need to get healthy & stay healthy. It's working. Our average HRA score has increased from 71.4 to 78.9. We cut our number of smokers by more than half (36% to 13%!). We haven't raised employee insurance premiums in 3 years.
Mountain FUN!
Like I said, the savings is funding this trip to Vail. We don't usually select such a ritzy place. But this year we felt like we deserved it. 2017 was our best year yet. Our people came together & put in a stellar performance. We spent the year focusing on our greatest strength: customer service. Our goal was to make it better & we nailed it.
2018 is going to be all about our 120-strong team at PJPS: developing our people, improving the health & well-being of our people and ultimately engaging our people in giving back to the communities where we live. We believe improving the lives of our people (besides being the right thing to do!), will lead to better service & ultimately a better customer experience.

Smarter and better everyday
In the meantime, prepare yourself for continued world-class customer service, a new phone system that will make communicating with us easier, customer portals to view job status, order history, e-commerce & some seriously hilarious posts of our gang living it up at 8,000 feet!
Join us on our next trip!
Check out our current openings and join PJ on the next all company trip! Current Openings
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