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2019 All Star Team, Part Two

    Palmer Johnson All Star Team 2019 TEAM 2 Banner

    Technology Rockstar Award in Sales

    Winner: Chris Rath, presented by Phil Turnquist and Dan Ramirez

    Chris Rath Tech award

    A little over a year ago, Chris took a step into the unknown and volunteered to help out as a Salesforce admin, in addition to fulfilling his existing responsibilities. He quickly learned the ropes and started helping users from day 1; he hasn’t stopped helping since. Whether it’s putting a report together for someone, or building a complex decision tree to help with the reman process, he’s always willing to help, even if it means doing something he’s never done before. His involvement with PJ Platinum has been instrumental as well: from helping develop user stories and outlining requirements, to providing feedback during UAT (User Acceptance Training), and even taking on more of a leadership role when I was out of the office. We wouldn’t be where we are today without his help.

    Sales MVP Award

    Winner: Austin Barlow, presented by Adam Becker (Director, Inside Sales)

    Austin B Sales MVP

    As voted by his peers, we are happy to announce this year’s sales MVP is awarded to Austin Barlow! Austin has been at PJ just over 2 years and in his short time here, has exploded onto the scene. His sales abilities and workload contributions are obvious but of equal (or more) value are his constant desire to learn about our products and the passion and energy he brings to his team and the company. His desire to learn has not only helped with his own sales efforts but he has also become a frequent resource for others in the team. Austin also was an integral part of us building out a process for and growing our new customer parts business. Austin frequently raises his hand to be a part of side projects, provides consistent valuable feedback and also recently joined our ‘Gamification’ team, which organizes and administers sales contests for PJ’s Customer Support team. Congratulations, Austin!

    Sales MVP Award

    Winner: Austin Barlow, presented by Adam Becker (Director, Inside Sales)

    Jim N Sorg

    The Sorg Award, put in place to honor the late, great, Steve Sorg is a rotating award for an individual who is consistently going above and beyond for customers. For those who were lucky enough to know and work with, Steve, his passion for helping customers was second to none. As part of the Sales MVP vote, we also asked for write-in nominations for this award and took those into consideration with 4 & 5 star Trust Pilot customer reviews by representative. Of note, we have received 997 customer reviews since rolling out Trust Pilot and maintain a 4.7/5 customer rating; this is something we can all be proud of and is a credit to our great people across the company! We can also proudly say we are living our Core Value of: We Care About Our Customers. The next recipient of this traveling trophy will be rewarded to Jim Neilsen! Jim has been with PJ just shy of 29 years and embodies what it means to take care of customers. Jim is well known for going above and beyond and using his experience to exceed customer expectations. He also is frequently seen helping others in the Customer Support team and around PJ. Congratulations, Jim!

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