How St. Louis Service Seized 2019

St. Louis - 2019 Service Center of the Year
Over the past few years, Service Centers have been battling for the best performance at month-end. This healthy competition continues to grow as we honor our creed to “Make it Happen” and focus our efforts on improving our processes. Our customers and our people are always at the top of our list day in and out. We track our metrics internally throughout the year and recognize a Service Center for its overall contribution to Service and Palmer Johnson Power Systems.

Making it Happen
The St. Louis team continues to “Make It Happen” every day. They continued to focus on the ever-changing Midwest marine market where they have been a dominant force overhauling marine transmissions for years. They have a very deep tenure of technicians that prove capabilities regularly. Fenton also fine-tuned their shop flow process and capitalized on the growing rental equipment repair market to support our customers in 2019.
They have done this while onboarding new techs and supporting a couple of management changes while holding our most valued metric of Safety high. I continue to be amazed at our Safety focus while our people consistently drive on new opportunities and evolve as our products and customers grow with new technologies.
Congratulations to Jason Theiss, Gary Rowton, Andy Gabrielsen, Jim Kemnetz, Andrew Theiss, Jeff Bonney and Michelle Dineen for all of their efforts and earning the status of Service Center of the Year! Well done!
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