Thordon Rudder Bearings

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We're Talking About Thordon

Thordon Bearing3

Tech Corner

Thordon Bearings - Greaseless Propeller Shaft & Rudder Bearings

December 19th 2022Read More
7 things to review marine 2

Tech Corner

7 Things to Review When Repowering your Marine Vessel

April 26th 2021Read More
Thordon Bearings thumbnail

Tech Corner

The Success of Thordon's RiverTough Spurs Fleet-wide Conversion for Harken Towing

May 11th 2020Read More
Pjps technicians

Thordon Service Network

Palmer Johnson's nine-location factory-authorized service center network features:

  • Field service
  • On-site troubleshooting and diagnostics
  • On-site application/installation review
  • Unit removal & installation
  • System and bearing failure analysis
  • Oil sampling and predictive maintenance
  • Specialized tooling & lifting equipment
  • 100% genuine replacement parts
  • Repairs & remans tested to original factory specs
  • 12-month warranty